School Staff

​​​​​​​Below is a brief list of responsibilities for key staff at our school for 2023.

Mr Brendan Creevey

Assista​nt Principal R​​​elig​​ious Education (APRE)

Ms Bernadette Christensen

  • Religious Education
  • Assemblies
  • Pastoral care
  • Early years
  • Behaviour Management (Years 3 - 4)

Assistant Princ​​ipal (AP)

Mr Kevin Yates​
  • Student Support
  • Behaviour Management (Years 5 - 6)
  • Special Needs Enrolments
  • Camps
  • Class lists

Assistant Principal (AP)
Mrs Melissa Sewell

  • Sport
  • Behaviour Management (Prep - Year 2)
  • Information Technology
  • Attendance 
  • School Portal

Primary Lear​​n​​​ing Leader

Mrs Feli​​​​​​​​city Leeson

  • ​Curriculum (Years 3 - 6)
  • Academic competitions
  • Years 3 & 5 Naplan testing
  • Camps and Excursions (Years 3-6)

P​rimary Learnin​​​​g Leader​​​

​Mrs Nicole Balym

  • Curriculum (P - Year 2)
  • Incursions and Excursions (P - Year 2)
  • Reading Program (P - Year 2)

Guidanc​​​e Counsellors

Ms Kristy Spencer & Ms Karen Fitzpatrick (Wednesday & Thursday)

  • ​Student Support
  • Guidance​

Principal's Secretary
Mrs Jennifer ​​​​Ramsey

  • ​Enro​lments
  • Statistical returns
  • Email

Finance Secretaries
Mrs Carmel Muller & Miss Rachel Dillon

  • School accounts
  • School fees
  • Concessions

​A complete Staff List for 2024​ is available using this link Staff List 2024.pdf​​


