
​​Teachers in all classes of the school are encouraged to avail themselves of the opportunity to extend the learning experiences of the students through appropriate field trips and excursions / incursions. In the planning of any such trips, the following points should be observed:

  1. Planning must include consultation with the Principal, A.P.A. or A.P.R.E. before any confirmation or booking can be made. A Risk Management Form must be completed and sighted by a member of the Leadership Team prior to the excursion / and for some incursions.
  2. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of your venue, with regard to the cost factors involved. In planning excursions / incursions teachers must keep excursions / incursions within the predetermined budget.
  3. Evaluate the educational worth of the trip.
  4. Plan for all possible situations... allow for a contingency plan.
  5. Pre-plan your trip; speak to other teachers who have visited the venue, or refer to printed material, so that any necessary pre-teaching can take place.
  6. In the event that Morning Tea or Lunch arrangements are affected, the school Tuckshop needs to be advised well in advance of the day. In case of single day excursion / incursion, teachers are to organise duty swaps if required. For longer camps duties will be organised by the APA.
  7. A note outlining the details of the excursion / incursion (including a parental permission slip) must be sent home at least one week prior to the trip. This note must be sighted and approved by the Principal.
  8. Be conscious of the need to adhere to the passenger limit on buses. Buses are required to undergo mechanical checks every six months. Staff may satisfy themselves of the most recent inspection by sighting the red and white triangular sticker on the front window or door of the bus. It will indicate the month and year of expiry.
  9. The use of private vehicles is voluntary, and no remuneration to owners / drivers is permissible, as this validates insurance polices. Only vehicles covered by Third Party Insurance (Current Registration), driven by a currently licensed driver can be used - one passenger per seat belt. Parents / Teachers transporting children in private vehicles are required to complete a transport permission form available from the Front Office.
  10. The level of adult supervision for any trip must take into account the nature of the activity and the number and age of any students involved.
  11. Any other information regarding appropriate permission slips, supervision and other concerns should be raised, well in advance, with the Principal.