Internet, Social Media and Mobile Phones


Here at Marymount Primary School we acknowledge that the Internet, Social Media, and Mobile phones play an integral part of life in the 21st Century.  We do however enforce a strict policy with regards to these.  All students from Year 4 onwards, are required to read and sign (with their parents) an Acceptable Use of Devices and Digital Resources Consent form which can be viewed by clicking this link2024 Acceptable use of Devices and Digital Resources Consent Form.pdfre.

Mobile Phones

While we understand that many children these days use and carry mobile phones, there are a number of policies in place to protect students and their phones while at school.

  • Phones must be handed in to teachers upon arrival at school.  These are then locked away, before being handed back to children at 2:55pm
  • Children are not permitted to use phones in school grounds, during school hours.  This includes making calls, texting, using camera and internet functions, or using media/music players. 

Failure to meet these requirements will see the phone removed from the child and held in the Administration Office until it is collected by a parent.

Social Media

Marymount accepts that the use of Social Media can be an effective business and social tool and that such media is commonly used by members of the our school community to express their views, comments, and ideas on a whole range of issues.
However, it is expected that all members of the Marymount community should behave within and outside of the school in such a manner that the welfare of members of this school is not adversely impacted upon or reputation of the school is not negatively affected or brought into disrepute.

When using Social Media, members of our community are expected that they:
Demonstrate appropriate personal and professional boundaries and behaviours
Ensure their online behaviour reflects the same standards of honesty, respect, and consideration that a person uses when communicating face-to-face,
Respect the rights, privacy and confidentiality of others
Ensure all content published is accurate and not misleading
Consider whether how and what you post reflects on your professional or personal character, and the welfare of others
Not post or respond to material that is offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, threatening, violent, racist, sexist, pornographic, infringes copyright or is otherwise unlawful or might cause damage to the reputation of Marymount school, or bring it into disrepute.

Please read our Social Media Policy Here